Frequently Asked Questions

  • You will be asked to fill out some forms with your contact details and medical history along with a ‘consent to treatment’ form.  You will be asked questions about your presenting complaint, any medications you are taking, other treatment you have had, and other factors including lifestyle, work, diet and exercise.  A standing observation will be done and you may be asked to move your body through a series of movements.  After a standing observation is completed, you will be asked to lie on the treatment table and further assessment may take place followed by treatment. A treatment will often involve soft tissue work, joint articulation, gentle joint manipulation, dry needling and myofascial release. 

  • Osteopathic treatment is a gentle approach to the whole body and should not cause you pain. Sometimes during hands-on treatment you may experience some discomfort as tender areas are worked on. If this becomes to much, it is important to let your osteopath know. After treatment, you may experience some mild soreness or tiredness for 1-2 days. This is normal and usually eases within 48 hours. If you have any concerns post treatment, please contact your osteopath.

  • Please allow 45 minutes for your initial consultation, and 30-45 minutes for subsequent consultations.

  • Depending on your level of cover, rebates are available with private health insurance companies. A receipt will be given to you after your appointment for you to claim back from your private health insurance, if eligible. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic condition, you may be eligible for Chronic Disease Management (CDM) assistance from medicare; this needs to be organised by your doctor. Payment is required on the day of treatment, and then a rebate claimed back via medicare.

  • Any appropriate X-Rays, scans or test results

  • You may need to do some range of motion exercises during your consultation so where comfortable, loose fitting clothing or bring a change of clothes with you.

  • Depending on the area of treatment, you may be required to remove your shirt down to your underwear. You will be covered with a towel and your osteopath will make sure you feel comfortable at all times.

  • No, you don’t need a referral to see your osteopath. You can book an appointment directly online or contact Coastal Osteopathy via phone or email. You are also able to talk to your osteopath to discuss whether your problem would benefit from osteopathic treatment.