From back pain to headaches, Osteopathy has you covered

Osteopathy can help with

  • Back Pain

    Approximately 80% of our population will experience back pain once in their lives. Low back pain can be caused by:

    • Disc Injury

    • Facet joint sprain

    • Sacro-iliac Joint pain

    • Sciatica

    • Muscle spasms

    • Pelvic imbalance

    Using a range of osteopathic techniques, spinal joint dysfunctions and muscle tightness can be addressed, alleviating the pain associated with low back pain.

  • Headaches, Migraines, Neck and Shoulder Tension

    Headaches, migraines and neck pain can be caused by numerous factors including:

    • Tension: hypertonic muscles

    • Cervicogenic: joint restrictions

    • Poor posture

    • Hormonal or dietary related

    • Viral / illness

    • Stress or trauma

    • Of a serious nature including tumour, infection or bleeding.

    Osteopaths complete 5 years of University study and are trained to examine your whole body for strain and tension that may be contributing to your presenting complaint. Your full medical history along with a thorough consultation will be taken into account diagnosing the cause of your headaches.

  • Pregnancy and Pelvic Girdle Pain

    Many changes occur to your body during pregnancy, placing considerable pressure on the joints and muscles of your spine and pelvis. Some common reasons pregnant women seek osteopathic treatment are:

    • Low back pain

    • Pelvic girdle pain

    • Hip pain

    • Reflux

    • Headaches

    • Neck and shoulder pain

    • Rib pain

    Pregnant women also find osteopathic treatment helpful in maintaining strength, range of motion and reducing muscle strain. Osteopathic treatment can also help to prepare the body for labour and birth, by maintaining optimal pelvic biomechanics and balance. Coastal Osteopathy even has a specialised pregnancy cushion, allowing you to lie comfortably on your stomach during treatment.

  • Arthritis

    The most common form of arthritis in Australia is osteoarthritis, with it affecting 1 in 5 Australians over 45 years old. It is a chronic condition, affecting the whole joint including bone, cartilage, ligament and muscle and commonly involves the hips and knees.

    The symptoms of arthritis are pain and swelling in the joints and surrounding tissues. This is usually accompanied by stiffness and decreased movement.

    Osteopathic treatment can help by

    • Working on surrounding tissues and joints to reduce stiffness and soreness

    • Lymphatic drainage to reduce inflammation and swelling

    • Gentle movement and articulation of affected joints to improve range of motion and improve fluid movement

    Osteopathy treatment is also available through the Medicare Chronic Disease Management program. Chat with your local GP to see if you are eligible.

  • Joints

    Osteopathy can be used to treat many common joint injuries. By treating your body holistically, not only is the injured joint assessed and treated but also the surrounding tissue which may be contributing to your pain and joint restriction. Common joint injures include:

    • Ankle: acute sprains, strains or tears; Achilles tendinitis; Severs Disease, Plantar Fasciitis.

    • Knee: acute sprains strains or tears; chronic pain due to arthritis; Bursitis, or swelling of the knee; Patellar tracking dysfunction; Osgood Schlatters

    • Hip: Bursitis, sacroiliac joint sprain, arthritis, nerve impingement, sciatica

    • Shoulder: rotator cuff tears- either acute or degenerative, rotator cuff tendinitis, bursitis, frozen shoulder, chronic pain due to arthritis, AC joint sprains

    • Elbow: tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis),

    • Wrist: sprain

  • Children and Babies


    Osteopathic treatment can help young bodies adapt to growth related changes along with the many bumps and falls that happen during childhood. Osteopathy may be able to help with:

    • Falls , accidents and sports injuries

    • Headaches

    • Sever’s and Osgood -Schlatter Disease

    • Backpain / postural issues

    • Ear infections


    There are many pressures applied to a baby’s body in-utero and during the birth and labour process. Using gentle, osteopathic techniques, your osteopath can check your babies pelvis, spine and head. Your osteopath may be able to help with:

    • General unsettled behaviour

    • Reflux, colic, wind

    • Stiff neck - favouring turning to one side

    • Flat spot or misshapen heads

    • Feeding or latching difficulties.